Ways to donate
There are many ways to donate to our branch.

Amazon wishlists
The wishlists allow people to purchase much needed food and equipment for animals in our care, which will be delivered directly to us.

Join easyfundraising and you can collect free donations for us everytime you shop online. It won’t cost you a penny extra and you can make a big difference on everything from groceries to getaways.

Another way you can help support our branch is by joining the Pets at Home Pets Club. Once you have selected our branch as your chosen charity, each time you shop instore, online, visit the groom room or Vets for Pets you will contribute to our lifelines. Every 3 months the Pets Club send us a voucher to buy essential items we need to look after the animals in our care.

We have a secure, online donation web page where you can make a one-off or regular donation to contribute towards looking after animals in our care.
Leaving a gift in your Will
If you are considering leaving a legacy to RSPCA Cheshire (Altrincham) Branch in your will, please remember to ensure that your intended legacy specifies it is to go to “RSPCA Cheshire (Altrincham) Branch Registered Charity No 223367”.

Fundrasier in aid of RSPCA Altrincham Cheshire
We have a variety of online fundraising events including raffles, auctions and general sales throughout the year with all money raised going towards the animals in the care of the branch.
If you would like any further information please contact our Branch Manager Julia :
Phone – 0161 286 2503
Email – julia@rspca-altrincham.org.uk